Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Its Always Si Vous Voulez, Never Si Vous Voudriez

Its Always Si Vous Voulez, Never Si Vous Voudriez Mistakes will always be made in French, and now you can learn from them. In English, I would like is softer and more polite than I want, and French has a similar distinction.  Instead of je veux (present), one says je voudrais  (conditional). But theres a snag in this equation: English speakers want to say the polite  if you like or if you would like, and they often end up translating this into French as si vous voudriez. The Mistake But si vous voudriez  would be a mistake.  In French, you cant say  si vous voudriez  to mean if you would like, because the French  conditional can never be used after  si (if).  You can only say  si vous voulez. This goes for the whole conditional conjugation:  For instance, si je voudrais  is wrong. But you can say  si je veux. And  si tu voudrais is not possible. But you can say  si tu veux. Memorize every person in the conditional  present of vouloir to recognize what to avoid in polite statements that include a si clause: je voudraistu voudraisil voudraitnous voudrionsvous voudriezils voudraient Vouloir and Polite Requests The verb vouloir (to want or to wish), one of the most common French verbs and one of the most useful irregular verbs, also beautifully expresses polite requests  in the conditional without a si clause present.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Je voudrais une pomme.   I would like an apple.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Je voudrais y aller avec vous.   I would like to go with you. In general, the French conditional mood is very similar to the English conditional mood. It describes events that are not guaranteed to occur; often they are dependent on certain conditions. While the French conditional mood has a full set of conjugations, the English equivalent is just the modal verb would plus a main verb. The French conditional is mainly used in  if...then  sentences  to express what would happen if a condition were met. The conditional is in the result (then) part of the clause, not the clause that follows  si  (if).   Ã‚  Si nous à ©tudiions, nous serions plus intelligents.If we studied, (then) we would be smarter.

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